Autumn 2022 Images View from the stage. Audio mixer, lighting director and technical director. Our 'feet on the ground reporter' studio Camera and lights The video booth at Iron Guild Gauntlet 2022 Iron Guild Gym owner Stephen Moore Log press at Iron Guild Gym Iron Guild Gym owner Stephen Moore coaches a member of the guild on using wrist straps. Training at Iron Guild Gym We decided to use this bold and creative wide shot for Ensemble VIII's opening concert Ensemble VIII artistic director Donald Meineke A member of Ensemble VIII The live-stream station being put together for Chorus Austin's Possibilities of Peace opener concert. Audio engineer Will Konitzer engineered the audio for Chorus Austin's livestream and taping. Chorus Austin artistic director Ryan Heller beats a drum in a dramatic performance. Members of Chorus Austin Chamber Ensemble at Possibilities of Peace concert. Our Pyramix recording system is locked and ready to start taping the all Beethoven program. In the control booth, I could monitor all of the cameras and audio. Conductor Mark Dupere leading the all-Beethoven program. We captured artistic shots of this very special Arts on Alexander orchestra. The "A Camera" shot of Arts on Alexander orchestra. First violins and cellos from the Arts on Alexander Beethoven concert.